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Business of Being Creative with Sean Low

Sep 29, 2020

Contracts are the lifeblood of any business, creative business especially. And yet 99 times out of a 100, they are gobbledy gook that you paid a lawyer to write for you in a way that protects you but does little to define the relationship your business will have with your client. It does not have to be that way. Enter...

Sep 22, 2020

Managing the client experience is a singular challenge for every creative business. For the most part, projects are for an extended period of time with many ups and downs both for activity and emotion. The key to success is vision and grit. It is also a deep understanding of sunk costs. Enter the story of Graham...

Sep 15, 2020

When we contemplate what is next, too often we want to be derivative of what has come before. Sure, we need to acknowledge the benefit of history, ultimately though we have to stretch beyond the realm of possible. Let's talk about the movie War Games.


Links & Resources:

Host: Sean Low of The Business of...

Sep 8, 2020

As we come to Fall, so many creative businesses are confronted with the challenge of whether it is worth it to keep going. There are no easy answers but there is a framework to think it all through. No story today, just straight talk.


Links & Resources:

Host: Sean Low of The Business of Being Creative

Talk Back...

Sep 1, 2020

Who controls your fate as a creative business? How you do attract business without standing on the street corner and screaming? Who chooses you, helps you get chosen and what do you owe them when you do? What value gatekeepers? Let's talk Duncan Hines. Listen in...


Links & Resources:

Host: Sean Low of The Business of...