Feb 23, 2021
What does it really mean to only do work for those that care? To really be the best at what you do? To know your range and to stay there? To really know why you are trusted? Most important, what happens when you allow yourself to do the work you simply do not do well? It is about assumptions, bias and the refusal to...
Feb 16, 2021
Creative business is literally about creating a world that has never existed. To imagine. Too often though we get trapped into the curse of knowledge, and lose the humility to know that you do not know. History has shown that failure to imagine the future is the curse of intelligence and the demise of the well intended....
Feb 9, 2021
Art does not see color or sex, clients do though. As with all things creative, how can the business story compel your art to move beyond bias? To do that though you will need to allow conversations to happen as you see them and remove the "get to yes" mentality. Maybe not a solution, but it is a start and definitely...
Feb 2, 2021
All creative businesses are in the information business. You are provided information -- what is the project, you provide information and then you act on that information. How you handle the flow of information is what makes your creative business go. The real question then is where do you fall on the Jimmy...